

Sets the curved regions options for the class object.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_VOID LBitmapWindow::SetRgnCurveOptions(uFillMode, dTension, nClose)


L_UINT uFillMode

The filling mode. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
L_POLY_WINDING [0] All pixels that are inside the resulting exterior lines are in the region.
L_POLY_ALTERNATE [1] The region includes the area between odd-numbered and even-numbered polygon sides on each scan line.

L_DOUBLE dTension

Determines the straightness of the curve lines that connect the points of the curved region. Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0.

L_INT nClose

A value that specifies how the curve is closed. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
CURVE_NO_CLOSE [0x0] For n points, draw (n 3) segments. For example, for points {P0, P1, P2, P3, P4}, draw segments P1P2 and P2P3.
CURVE_CLOSE [0x1] For n points draw (n) segments. For example, for points {P0, P1, P2, P3, P4}, draw segments P0P1, P1P2, P2P3, P3P4, P4P0.
CURVE_PARTIAL_CLOSE [0x2] For n points draw (n 1) segments. For example, for points {P0, P1, P2, P3, P4}, draw segments P0P1, P1P2, P2P3, P3P4 (but not P4P0).




Use this function to specify the options of a curved region prior to drawing it. If an invalid value is passed for a parameter, it wont be set.

Refer to the CURVE structure for more information on the options mentioned above.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also


For an example, refer to LBitmapWindow::GetRgnCurveOptions.

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