FlashPix File Comments (non-image data)

FlashPix files can store a large number of comments (non-image data) containing a variety of information. In order to save comments to a FlashPix file, each comment must be set individually using the LFileSettings::SetComment function. LFileSettings::SetComment, by itself, does not write a comment to a file, it prepares the values for the next save. Once all comments have been set, they will be saved in one of two ways. When a new image is created, using LFile::SaveFile or LFile::Save., or in an already existing file, using LFile::WriteComment.

In the LEADTOOLS extended FlashPix support, you have the option of reading single comments, groups of comments, multiple groups of comments, or all comments. (See "Example" under LFile::ReadCommentExt.) FlashPix comments are listed below:

Further information concerning the organization of FlashPix Comments may be found in FlashPix Structures and FlashPix Comments

Value Meaning
CMNT_ALL [0xFFFF] All FlashPix comments.
CMNT_FPXSUMMARYINFORMATION [0x8001] This group contains the "Summary Information" which contains the following comments:
CMNT_FPXTITLE [68] Title of the image.
Data type: FlashPixString.
CMNT_FPXSUBJECT [69] Image subject.
Data type: FlashPixString.
CMNT_FPXAUTHOR [70] Image author.
Data type: FlashPixString.
CMNT_FPXKEYWORDS [71] Keywords about the image.
Data type: FlashPixString.
CMNT_FPXCOMMENTS [72] Comments about the image.
Data type: FlashPixString.
Data type: FlashPixString.
CMNT_FPXLASTAUTHOR [74] Last user to save the image.
Data type: FlashPixString.
CMNT_FPXREVNUMBER [75] Number of times image saved.
Data type: FlashPixString.
CMNT_FPXEDITTIME [76] Duration of editing session.
Data type: FlashPixSystemTime.
CMNT_FPXLASTPRINTED [77] When image was last printed.
Data type: FlashPixSystemTime.
CMNT_FPXCREATEDTM [78] Time and date of image creation. It should not be altered after it is initially written.
Data type: FlashPixSystemTime.
CMNT_FPXLASTSAVEDTM [79] Time and date image was saved. Use of this comment is highly recommended with FlashPix.
Data type: FlashPixSystemTime.
Data type: FlashPixLong.
Data type: FlashPixLong.
Data type: FlashPixLong.
CMNT_FPXAPPNAME [84] Name of the application which created the image. Use of this comment is strongly recommended with FlashPix. (Default is LEADTOOLS).
Data type: FlashPixString.
Data type: FlashPixLong.
CMNT_FPXFILESOURCEGROUP [0x8002] This group contains the "File Source" information. It refers to how the image was created and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXFILESOURCE [86] Device source of digital file (film scanner, reflection print scanner, digital camera).
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_SOURCE. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXSCENETYPE [87] Type of scene captured. "Original" scenes are captured directly from real-world scenes. "Second generation" scenes are captured from hard copy images.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_SCENE. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXCREATIONPATH [88] Sequence of capture processes used to create the image. The first entry corresponds to the last capture of the scene (also known as the File Source). Capture processes may be digital or analog.
Data type: FlashPixLongArray.
CMNT_FPXNAMEMANRELEASE [89] Contains the name of the software used to create the FlashPix image, the version of the software and the manufacturer's name.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXUSERDEFINEDID [90] Identification system created by the user for tracking images.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXORIGINALSHARPNESSAPPROXIMATION [91] Effective filter width, which indicates the amount of blurring introduced by the components used to generate the digital image (scanner, digital camera, etc.).
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXINTELLECTUALPROPERTYGROUP [0x8004] This group contains the "Intellectual Property" information. It refers to the ownership and copyright of the image (original and digital) and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXCOPYRIGHT [92] Copyright statement of the Legal Broker for the digital image, including dates and statements of claims.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXLEGALBROKERFORORIGIMAGE [93] Person or organization holding the legal right to give permissions or impose restrictions on use of the original image. The original image is the analog source which was scanned or the original digital capture of the scene.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXLEGALBROKERFORDIGITALIMAGE [94] Person or organization holding the legal right to give permissions or impose restrictions on use of the digital image
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXAUTHORSHIP [95] Camera owner, photographer or image creator.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXINTELLECTUALPROPNOTES [96] Any other information not included in this group.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXCONTENTDESCRIPTIONGROUP [0x8008] This group contains the "Content Description" information. It describes the contents of the image and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXTESTTARGETINTHEIMAGE [97] Information concerning the type of scale or test target captured in the image.
Data type: FlashPixLong.
CMNT_FPXGROUPCAPTION [98] Subject of a group of images ("My trip to D.C"). The digital file image serves as one member of the group.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXCAPTIONTEXT [99] Text describing the subject or purpose of the image. May provide additional information concerning the image.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXPEOPLEINTHEIMAGE [100] Names of the people in the image.
Data type: FlashPixWideStringArray.
CMNT_FPXTHINGSINIMAGE [101] Objects present in the image. (The Great Pyramid).
Data type: FlashPixWideStringArray.
CMNT_FPXDATEOFORIGINALIMAGE [102] Date and time the image was originally captured, or, in the case of printed material, the date of publication. This is not the date it was scanned in, that is stored in CMNT_FPXSCANDATE.
Data type: FlashPixWideStringArray.
CMNT_FPXEVENTSINTHEIMAGE [103] Events depicted in the image. (wedding, vacation, flood, etc.).
Data type: FlashPixWideStringArray.
CMNT_FPXPLACESINTHEIMAGE [104] Place shown in the image. (New Orleans, map of North Carolina, etc.).
Data type: FlashPixWideStringArray.
CMNT_FPXCONTENTDESCRIPTIONNOTES [105] Any other information not included in this group.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXCAMERAINFORMATIONGROUP [0x8010] This group contains the "Camera Information." It describes the camera used to take the picture and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXCAMERAMANUFACTURERNAME [106] Name of the manufacturer or vender.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXCAMERAMODELNAME [107] Model name or number of the camera.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXCAMERASERIALNUMBER [108] Serial number of the camera.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXPERPICTURECAMERASETTINGGROUP [0x8020] This group contains the "Per Picture Camera Setting" information. It describes the settings used on the camera when the picture was taken and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXCAPTUREDATE [109] Date and time the image was captured.
Data type: FlashPixSystemTime.
CMNT_FPXEXPOSURETIME [110] Exposure time used (in seconds) to capture the image.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXFNUMBER [111] Lens f-number setting used to capture the image.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXEXPOSUREPROGRAM [112] Exposure program the camera used to capture the image. (Normal, shutter priority, etc).
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXBRIGHTNESSVALUE [113] Brightness value, in APEX units, when the image was captured. Generally between -3.00 and 13.00.
Data type: FlashPixFloatArray.
CMNT_FPXEXPOSUREBIASVALUE [114] Exposure bias, in APEX units, used when the image was captured (how much over exposed or under exposed the image is). Values range from -99.99 to +99.99 with a value of -1.0 indicating the image is 1 stop underexposed.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXSUBJECTDISTANCE [115] Distance in meters between the front nodal plane of the lens and the point on which the camera was focused when capturing the image.
Data type: FlashPixFloatArray.
CMNT_FPXMETERINGMODE [116] Metering mode used when capturing the image. This is the camera's way of spatially weighting the scene luminance values to determine sensor exposure.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_METERING_MODE. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXSCENEILLUMINANT [117] Light source present when image was captured.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_SCENE_ILLUMINANT. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXFOCALLENGTH [118] Lens focal length, in millimeters.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXMAXIMUMAPERATUREVALUE [119] Maximum possible aperture opening in APEX units. Range is from 1.00 to 99.99.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXFLASH [120] Tells whether a flash was used or not.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_FLASH. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXFLASHENERGY [121] Amount of flash energy, measured in Beam Candle Power Seconds.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXFLASHRETURN [122] Indicates whether the camera determined the flash to be effective or ineffective at exposure.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_FLASH_RETURN. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXBACKLIGHT [123] Lighting conditions at exposure. Front lit, back lit 1, back-lit 2.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_BACK_LIGHT. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXSUBJECTLOCATION [124] Location of subject in scene. X,Y coordinate pair gives the approximate location of the center of the subject.
Data type: FlashPixFloatArray.
CMNT_FPXEXPOSUREINDEX [125] Camera's exposure index setting.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXSPECIALEFFECTSOPTICALFILTER [126] Type of filter(s) used. The order of elements in the array correspond to the order in which the filters were used.
Data type: FlashPixLongArray.
CMNT_FPXPERPICTURENOTES [127] Other information not provided for by other comments in this group.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXDIGITALCAMERACHARACTERIZATIONGROUP [0x8040] This group contains the "Digital Camera Characterization" information. It describes the technical aspects of a digital camera and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXSENSINGMETHOD [128] Type of sensor used by the camera or other capturing device.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_SENSING_METHOD. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXFOCALPLANEXRESOLUTION [129] Number of pixels per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit in the ImageWidth direction. If this comment is used, the Focal Length must also be stored in CMNT_FPXFOCALLENGTH and the unit of measurement must be stored in CMNT_FPXFOCALPLANERESOLUTIONUNIT.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXFOCALPLANEYRESOLUTION [130] Number of pixels per FocalPlaneResolutionUnit in the ImageHeight direction. If this comment is used, the Focal Length must also be stored in CMNT_FPXFOCALLENGTH and the unit of measurement must be stored in CMNT_FPXFOCALPLANERESOLUTIONUNIT.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXFOCALPLANERESOLUTIONUNIT [131] Unit of measurement for the FocalPlaneXResolution and the FocalPlaneYResolution. This value must be stored if information is stored in either CMNT_FPXFOCALPLANEXRESOLUTION or CMNT_FPXFOCALPLANEYRESOLUTION. If information is stored in this comment, the Focal Length must be stored in CMNT_FPXFOCALLENGTH.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_RESOLUTION_UNIT. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXSPACIALFREQUENCY [132] Spatial Frequency Response of the camera or capturing device.
Data type: FlashPixSpacialFrequencyResponseBlock.
CMNT_FPXCFAPATTERN [133] Color filter array geometric pattern of the image sensor. This includes the number of rows needed to define the pattern (cfa_repeat_rows), the number of columns needed to define the pattern (cfa_repeat_columns) and an array of integer values defining the color pattern.
Data type: FlashPixCFAPatternBlock.
CMNT_FPXSPECTRALSENSITIVITY [134] Pertains to the spectral sensitivity of each channel of the camera used to capture the image.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXISOSPEEDRATINGS [135] ISO saturation speed rating and the ISO noise-based speed rating.
Data type: FlashPixShortArray.
CMNT_FPXOECF [136] Opto-Electronic Conversion Function. This is the relationship between the optical input and the value output of an electronic camera.
Data type: FlashPixOECFBlock.
CMNT_FPXFILMDESCRIPTIONGROUP [0x8080] This group contains the "Film Description" information. It concerns images which originated on photographic film and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXFILMBRAND [137] Name of film manufacturer, brand name, product code and generation code (Kodak Gold100).
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXFILMCATEGORY [138] Category of film used.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_FILM_CATEGORY. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXFILMSIZEX [139] Width of the original film used.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXFILMSIZEY [140] Height of the original film used.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
CMNT_FPXFILMSIZEUNIT [141] Width and height of the film and the unit of measurement.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_RESOLUTION_UNIT. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXFILMROLLNUMBER [142] Roll number of the film.
Data type: FlashPixShort.
CMNT_FPXFILMFRAMENUMBER [143] Frame number from the roll of film.
Data type: FlashPixShort.
CMNT_FPXORIGINALDOCUMENTSCANDESCRIPTIONGROUP [0x8100] This group contains the "Original Document Scan Description" information. It concerns images which originated as documents or prints and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXORIGINALSCANNEDIMAGESIZE [144] Width and height of the scanned area and the unit of measurement.
Data type: FlashPixScannedImageSizeBlock.
CMNT_FPXORIGINALDOCUMENTSIZE [145] Width and height of the original document or photograph.
Data type: FlashPixScannedImageSizeBlock.
CMNT_FPXORIGINALMEDIUM [146] Medium of the original photo or document.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_ORIGINAL_MEDIUM. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXTYPEOFREFLECTIONORIGINAL [147] Type of the original document or photograph.
Data type: FlashPixLong. The long value used must belong to the enumerated type FPXTYPE_TYPE_OF_REFLECTION_ORIGINAL. Possible values are:
CMNT_FPXSCANDEVICEPROPERTYGROUP [0x8200] This group contains the "Scan Device Property" information. It concerns images scanned from reflection prints, documents, photographic slides or negatives and consists of the following comments:
CMNT_FPXSCANNERMANUFACTURERNAME [148] Manufacturer or vendor of the scanner used to create the image.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXSCANNERMODELNAME [149] Model name or number of the scanner used to create the image.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXSCANNERSERIALNUMBER [150] Serial number of the scanner used to create the image, stored as a string.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXSCANSOFTWARE [151] Name and version of the scanner software or firmware.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXSCANSOFTWAREREVISIONDATE [152] Revision date of the scanner software or firmware.
Data type: FlashPixDate.
CMNT_FPXSERVICEBUREAUORGNAME [153] Service bureau, photofinisher or organization performing the scan.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXSCANOPERATORID [154] Name or ID of the person performing the scan.
Data type: FlashPixWideString.
CMNT_FPXSCANDATE [155] Date and time the image was originally digitized, it should not be overwritten.
Data type: FlashPixSystemTime.
CMNT_FPXLASTMODIFIEDDATE [156] The last date on which the scanned data was modified.
Data type: FlashPixSystemTime.
CMNT_FPXSCANNERPIXELSIZE [157] Pixel size of the scanner, in micrometers.
Data type: FlashPixFloat.
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