

Appends new frames to the specified JPEG 2000 file in memory.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LJp2FileFormat::AppendFramesMemory(pBuffer, uBufferSize, lpOutBuffer, puOutBufferSize, pComposite, nBitsPerPixel, nQFactor, pSaveOptions, pSaveCallBack, pUserData)


L_UINT8 * pBuffer

Pointer to a JPEG 2000 file in memory.

L_SIZE_T uBufferSize

Size of the JPEG 2000 file in bytes.

L_UINT8 ** lpOutBuffer

Pointer to a pointer to be updated with an array of bytes that contains a JPEG 2000 file with new appended frames. You must free this buffer by calling the Windows LocalFree() function.

L_SIZE_T * puOutBufferSize

Address of a variable to be updated with the size of the output memory buffer in bytes.


Pointer to a composite structure that contains new frames information (color channels, opacity channels, pre-multiplied opacity channels, and compression type).

L_INT nBitsPerPixel

Resulting frames pixel depth. The available valid bits per pixel are 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 48, and 64. If this value is zero, each bitmap will be saved by its own bits per pixel but it shall be one of the above values.

L_INT nQFactor

Quality factor. This value determines the degree of loss in the compression process. Possible values are from 0 to 255. Zero (0) represents lossless compression. Values between 1 and 255 are interpreted as a compression ratio.


Pointer to optional extended save options. Pass NULL to use the default save options.

LFile::SaveFileCallBack pSaveCallBack

Optional callback function for additional processing.

If you do not provide a callback function, pass NULL.

If you provide a callback function, use the function pointer as the value of this parameter.

The callback function must adhere to the syntax described in the LFile::SaveFileCallBack function.

L_VOID * pUserData

Void pointer you can use to pass one or more additional parameters. To use this feature, assign a value to a variable or create a structure that contains as many fields as you need. Then, in this parameter, pass the address of the variable or structure, casting it to L_VOID *. The callback function, which receives the address in its own pUserData parameter, can cast it to a pointer of the appropriate data type to access your variable or structure.

If additional parameters are not needed, you can pass NULL in this parameter.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


LJp2FileFormat::AppendFramesMemory appends new frames to already existing JPEG 2000 file in memory. The new frames codestreams are determined by pComposite. pComposite determines the channels of this layer. If the channels bitmap is not allocated, the channel does not exist. The color bitmap must be allocated in all frames. If any color bitmap is not allocated, the function will return ERROR_NO_BITMAP. All of the engines boxes will be reset.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




This example appends an image to already existing JPEG 2000 file.

L_INT LJp2FileFormat__AppendFramesMemoryExample(pBITMAPHANDLE pBitmap, L_UINT8* pFileBuffer, L_SIZE_T uFileSize, L_UINT8** lpOutBuffer, L_SIZE_T * puOutSize) 
   LJp2FileFormat Engine; 
   L_INT  nRet; 
   L_JP2_JPXBITMAPS pBitmaps[1] = {0}; 
   L_JP2_JPXCOMPOSITE Composite;  
   pBitmaps[0].uStructSize = sizeof(L_JP2_JPXBITMAPS); 
   pBitmaps[0].ColorBitmap = *pBitmap; 
   pBitmaps[0].eColorFormat = LEADJP2_J2K; 
   Composite.uStructSize = sizeof(L_JP2_JPXCOMPOSITE); 
   Composite.pBitmaps = pBitmaps; 
   Composite.uNumOfBitmaps = 1; 
   /*Append frames to a JPX file*/ 
   nRet = Engine.AppendFramesMemory( pFileBuffer, uFileSize,lpOutBuffer, puOutSize, &Composite,24,5,NULL,NULL,NULL); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 

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