Raster Image Functions: Printing Images

The LEADTOOLS functions for printing an image work similarly to the functions for displaying an image. These functions allow you to specify the image to print, the destination printer device context, the location of the output, and the size of the output. When printing images with the LEADTOOLS functions, you can choose from the following:

LPrint::Print - Prints a bitmap to a the specified device, using the LEADTOOLS built-in resizing and color resolution functions for preprocessing the image as necessary to match the output device and parameters.

LPrint::PrintFast - Prints a bitmap to the specified device, without doing any image preprocessing. All necessary image processing is left up to the printer driver.

LPrint::PrintGDIPlus - Prints a bitmap to the specified device, without doing any image preprocessing. All necessary image processing is left up to the printer driver. This function uses GDI+ as the rendering engine if GDI+ is available on the system.

For more information, refer to:


LPrint::Member Functions



Print a Real Image Size in Inches

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