
#include "l_bitmap.h"

L_LTANN_API L_INT L_AnnSetFontName(hObject, pFontName, uFlags)


handle to the annotation object

L_TCHAR * pFontName;

name of the font to assign

L_UINT uFlags;

flags that determine which objects to process

Sets the font of one or more annotation objects. You specify the name of the font in a character string.

Parameter Description
hObject Handle to the annotation object.
pFontName The character string containing the name of the font to assign.
uFlags Flags that determine which objects to process. Most of the flags apply only to container objects. You can combine values when appropriate by using a bitwise OR ( | ). The following are valid values:
  Value Meaning
  0 Process only the specified object.
  ANNFLAG_SELECTED [0x0001] Process only objects that have the selected property set to TRUE. For getting and setting the selected property, use the L_AnnGetSelected and L_AnnSetSelected functions.
  ANNFLAG_NOTTHIS [0x0004] Process only one level of objects within the specified container, not the container itself. If there are containers within the container, they are modified, but the objects within them are not.
  ANNFLAG_RECURSE [0x0008] Process objects within a container, and within any subcontainers, down to any level.
  ANNFLAG_NOTCONTAINER [0x0002] (Used with ANNFLAG_RECURSE) Process objects within containers, not the containers themselves.
  ANNFLAG_NOINVALIDATE [0x0010] Do not invalidate the affected rectangle in the window. Use this to avoid generating unwanted paint messages.
  ANNFLAG_CHECKMENU [0x0020] Process objects only if the ANNAUTOTEXT_MENU_FONT menu item has been selected.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


This function applies to multiple and selected objects based on values of the uFlags parameter.

This function does not affect objects that do not have this property or that do not let you change the property. For descriptions of the various types of objects and their properties, refer to Types of Annotations.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.


Win32, x64.

See Also


L_AnnGetFontName, L_AnnGetFontNameLen, L_AnnSetFontSize, L_AnnGetFontSize, L_AnnSetFontUnderline, L_AnnGetFontUnderline, L_AnnSetFontStrikeThrough, L_AnnGetFontStrikeThrough, L_AnnSetFontItalic, L_AnnGetFontItalic, L_AnnSetFontBold, L_AnnGetFontBold


Annotation Functions: Object Properties


Annotation Objects - Default Values


Annotation Objects - Automated Features


Implementing an Automated Annotation Program


Implementing a Non-automated Annotation Program


L_INT AnnSetFontNameExample(HANNOBJECT hAnnObject) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   L_TCHAR* pFontName;  // The object's font name 
   HGLOBAL  hFontname;  // Handle for memory management 
   L_UINT   uNameLength; // Length of the object's font name 
   // Get the length of the current font name 
   nRet = L_AnnGetFontName(hAnnObject, NULL, &uNameLength); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   // Allocate and lock a zero-filled buffer for the font name 
   hFontname = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, uNameLength * sizeof (L_TCHAR)); 
   pFontName = (L_TCHAR *)GlobalLock( hFontname ); 
   // Get the current font name 
   nRet = L_AnnGetFontName(hAnnObject, pFontName, &uNameLength); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   // Set the font to Times New Roman, unless it already is 
   if (lstrcmp(pFontName, TEXT("Times New Roman")) == 0) 
      MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("Already Times New Roman"), TEXT("Notice"), MB_OK); 
      nRet = L_AnnSetFontName (hAnnObject, TEXT("Times New Roman"), 0); 
      if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
         return nRet; 
      MessageBox (NULL, TEXT("Changed Font to New Roman"), TEXT("Notice"), MB_OK); 
   // Free memory that we no longer need 
   return SUCCESS; 

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