
Provides information on the animation event.


typedef struct tagANIMATIONEVENTDATA 
   HWND hAnimationWindow; 
   LAnimationWindow * pClass; 
   L_UINT nEvent; 
   L_UINT nFrameNumber; 



Handle to the animation window.


Pointer to an LAnimationWindow object.


Used only for LAM_PLAYBACK_EVENT. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_START User started an animation.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_END User stopped an animation.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_PRECLEAR Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_POSTCLEAR Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_PRERENDER Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_RENDER Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_POSTRENDER Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_WAITINPUT Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_WAITDELAY Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_WAITINPUTDELAY Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_PREDISPOSE Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_POSTDISPOSE Triggered during animation playback. For more information, refer to LPlayBack::GetState.
EVENT_PLAYSTATE_LOOP Animation playback has looped back to the first frame


The frame number.

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