Processing an Image

Processing an Image
Signed Image Support
Resizing Considerations
Conversion Considerations
Changing Brightness and Contrast
Removing Noise
Detecting and Enhancing Edges and Lines
Applying Artistic Effects
Correcting Colors
Dithering Methods
Bitmap Change Notifications and Notification Categories
Flags for the LBitmap::ApplyMathLogic Function
Flags for the LBitmapBase::Combine Function
Flags for the LBitmapSettings::SetDisplayMode Function
Using the LBitmapBase::CreateFadedMask function:
List of Spatial Filters
Definitions of Spatial Filters
How Weights are Applied in a Spatial Filter
Converting Curves
Using The LBitmap::Perlin Function
Using the Image Warping Demo
Color Resolution Flag Values
Handling CMYK Files as Separate Bitmaps
Image Processing: Intelligent Rescale
Using the Intelligent Rescale Demo
Grayscale Images
Color Halftones and Halftone Images
Image Optimization
Used Structures
Help Version 23.0.2024.2.29
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