

Determines whether the LFile object is ready to be used.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_BOOL LFile::IsValid()


Value Meaning
TRUE The LFile object is ready to be used.
FALSE The LFile object is not ready to be used.


Before you can use some of the file functions, a bitmap and a filename must be associated with the class object. Until you have associated a bitmap and a filename with the LFile object, the object is considered invalid.

The function will return TRUE only if both the filename and the bitmap have been set and are valid.

The following table describes the functions that require either the bitmap, filename, or both to be set:

Functions Requirements
LFile::GetInfo requires the filename to be set
LFile::DeletePage requires the filename to be set
LFile::ReadLoadResolutions requires the filename to be set
LFile::ReadFileTransforms requires the filename to be set
LFile::WriteFileTransforms requires the filename to be set
LFile::GetCommentSize requires the filename to be set
LFile::GetPCDResolution requires the filename to be set
LFile::LoadBitmapList requires the filename to be set
LFile::LoadOffset requires the bitmap to be set
LFile::ReadComment requires the filename to be set
LFile::ReadCommentExt requires the filename to be set
LFile::ReadTag requires the filename to be set
LFile::SaveList requires the filename to be set
LFile::SaveOffset requires the bitmap to be set
LFile::WriteComment requires the filename to be set
LFile::FileConvert does not require either filename or bitmap to be set

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also


L_INT LFile__IsValidExample() 
   LBitmapBase LeadBitmap; 
   LFile           LeadFile; 
   if (LeadFile.IsValid() == FALSE) 
   return SUCCESS ; 
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