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Rectangle Annotation Object

The Rectangle annotation object (ANNOBJECT_RECT) is a simple rectangle. With the automated functions, the user clicks and drags to specify the rectangle in the current window.

The class for Rectangle Annotation objects is LAnnRectangle.

For information on flipping, reversing or rotating annotation objects, refer to Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects.

With low-level functions, you must define the size and position of the rectangle. Other applicable properties have the following defaults, which you can change:

Property Default value
Visible Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetVisible function.
Selected Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetSelected function.
Name Defaults to an empty string. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetNameOptions function.
Line width Defaults to 0.75 points. It can be changed using the LAnnXXX::SetLineWidth function. (Note that when displayed, the line must have a minimum width of 1 pixel.)
Line style Defaults to solid. It can be changed using the LAnnXXX::SetLineStyle function.
ROP2 code Defaults to ANNROP2_COPY. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetROP2 function.
Fill pattern Defaults to solid. It can be changed using the LAnnAutomation::SetFillPattern function.
Fill mode Defaults to transparent. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetFillMode function. Before calling this function enable the alpha background fill mode by calling the LAnnotation::SetOptions function.
Foreground color Defaults to red. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetForeColor function.
Background color Defaults to white. It can be changed using the LAnnXXX::SetBackColor function. The default does not affect highlight, redaction, or note objects.
Fixed State Defaults to not fixed. It can be changed using the LAnnXXX::SetFixed function.
Hyperlink Defaults to ANNLINK_NONE. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetHyperlink function.
Tag (identifier) Defaults to 0. It can be changed using the LAnnotation::SetTag function.
Window handle Defaults to NULL or the handle inherited from the container.
User mode Defaults to design mode or the mode inherited from the container.

See Also

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