
The ANNPOINTOPTIONS structure is used to get or set options on an annotation point object.


typedef struct tagANNPOINTOPTIONS 
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uFlags; 
   L_BOOL bPointUseBitmap; 
   pBITMAPHANDLE pPointBitmap; 
   L_UINT uBitmapStructSize; 
   L_BOOL bPointBitmapTransparent; 
   COLORREF crPointBitmapTransparentColor; 
   L_INT32 nPointRadius; 
   COLORREF crPointBorderColor; 
   L_BOOL bPointTransparentFill; 
   COLORREF crPointFillColor; 
   L_BOOL bPointFixedSize; 
   L_INT32 nReserved; 



Size of this structure. Use sizeof(ANNENCRYPTOPTIONS)


Identifies which fields are valid. Possible values are one or more of the following constants "or"ed together.

Value Meaning
ANNPOINT_USE_BITMAP [0x001] bPointUseBitmap field is valid.
ANNPOINT_BITMAP [0x002] pPointBitmap field is valid.
ANNPOINT_BITMAP_TRANSPARENT [0x004] bPointBitmapTransparent field is valid
ANNPOINT_BITMAP_TRANSPARENT_COLOR [0x008] crPointBitmapTransparentColor field is valid.
ANNPOINT_RADIUS [0x010] nPointRadius field is valid.
ANNPOINT_BORDER_COLOR [0x020] crPointBorderColor field is valid.
ANNPOINT_FILL_COLOR [0x040] crPointFillColor field is valid.
ANNPOINT_TRANSPARENT_FILL [0x080] bPointTransparentFill field is valid.
ANNPOINT_FIXED_SIZE [0x100] bPointFixedSize field is valid.
ANNPOINT_ALL [0x1ff] All fields are valid.


Flag that indicates whether to draw the point using the current point bitmap or as a circle. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Draw the point using the current point bitmap.
FALSE Draw the point as a circle.


Pointer to a BITMAPHANDLE structure that gets or sets the point bitmap.


Size of the structure pointed to by pBitmap, for versioning. Use sizeof(BITMAPHANDLE).


Flag that indicates whether there is a transparent color. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE If the point is drawn using a bitmap, draw with a transparent color.
FALSE If the point is drawn using a bitmap, there is no transparent color.


If the point is drawn as a bitmap, and bPointBitmapTransparent is TRUE, this specifies the transparent color.


If the point is drawn as a circle, this specifies the radius in pixels (assuming no zooming).


If the point is drawn as a circle, this is the outline color.


Flag for a point drawn as a circle that indicates whether the inside is transparent or uses the fill color. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE If the point is drawn as a circle, the inside is transparent.
FALSE If the point is drawn as a circle, the fill color is crPointFillColor.


If the point is drawn as a circle, this is the fill color.


Flag for a point drawn as a circle that indicates whether the point is a fixed size. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE If the point is drawn as a circle, the size does not change, regardless of the zoom factor
FALSE If the point is drawn as a circle, the size changes with the zoom factor.


Reserved for future use. Must set this field to zero.


When calling LAnnAutomation::GetPointOptions or LAnnPoint::GetPointOptions, the uFlags field identifies which fields to retrieve. When calling LAnnAutomation::SetPointOptions or LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions, the uFlags field identifies which fields to set.

To get the bitmap of the current point object (hObject), do the following:

memset(&PointOptions, 0, sizeof(ANNPOINTOPTIONS)); 
PointOptions.nSize = sizeof(ANNPOINTOPTIONS); 
PointOptions.uFlags = ANNPOINT_BITMAP; 
PointOptions.pPointBitmap = &PointBitmap; 
LAnnAutomation::GetPointOptions, LAnnPoint::GetPointOptions(hObject, &PointOptions); 

If the call to LAnnAutomation::GetPointOptions or LAnnPoint::GetPointOptions is successful, PointBitmap now contains the point bitmap. You must call LBitmapBase::Free(&PointBitmap) when you are finished with the bitmap.

If the point is being drawn using a bitmap, the current default point bitmap is used. This can be changed by making the pPointBitmap field point to a valid LEAD bitmap handle, adding the ANNPOINT_BITMAP flag to the uFlags field, and calling LAnnAutomation::SetPointOptions or LAnnPoint::SetPointOptions.

If bPointBitmapTransparent is TRUE, then the point bitmap is displayed with transparency, where crPointBitmapTransparentColor is the transparent color.

If the point is not being drawn using a bitmap, it is displayed as a circle with the following properties:


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