

Loads information about the file located in memory into a FILEINFO structure


#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LMemoryFile::GetInfo(LMemoryBuffer, pFileInfo, uStructSize, uFlags=FILEINFO_TOTALPAGES, pLoadFileOption=NULL)


LBuffer& LMemoryBuffer

A LEAD LBuffer object that holds the memory of the image file.


Pointer to the LEAD FILEINFO structure to be filled with data from the image file. You must set the uStructSize member of pFileInfo before calling LMemoryFile::GetInfo.

NOTE: Uninitialized pFileInfo should not pass to this function.

L_UINT uStructSize

Size in bytes, of the structure pointed to by pFileInfo. Use sizeof(FILEINFO).

L_UINT uFlags

Flag indicating which members to update in the FILEINFO structure, if any. The FILEINFO_TOTALPAGES and FILEINFO_USEFILTERDATA values can be OR-ed together, in which case both values are retrieved. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
FILEINFO_TOTALPAGES [0x0001] Update the pFileInfo->TotalPages field with the total number of pages in the file.
FILEINFO_USEFILTERDATA [0x0002] Use filter data information to speed up loading.
0 Do not update the pFileInfo->TotalPages field.


Pointer to optional extended load options. Pass NULL to use the default load options.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


To use this function, do the following:

  1. Declare a variable with the datatype of FILEINFO.

  2. Load the file into memory and assign variables for the file's location in memory and for the file size.

  3. If you are getting information about a multipage file (which can contain more than one image), use the LOADFILEOPTION structure to specify the page number. The information that you get will be for the image on the specified page.

  4. Call the LMemoryFile::GetInfo function, passing the file name and the address of the FILEINFO variable as parameters. When calling the function, use the sizeof operator to pass the size of the FILEINFO structure in the uStructSize parameter.

  5. Get the image information from the fields described in FILEINFO structure.

The parallelogram values retrieved by LMemoryFile::GetInfo may not be always correct because it depends on the memory file saved data. The function does not load file objects but reads the file dimensions which may be not saved within the memory file.

For a summary of file information functions, refer to Getting and Setting File Information.

Some file formats do not contain a well-defined file signature. This is especially true for document file formats (TXT, PST, etc). LEADTOOLS can still detect the file format using the filename extension (ex. ".PST"). However, when loading files from memory the filename extension is not available. To provide this function with a filename extension, set pFileInfo.Name to the image file's name with extension and pFileInfo.Flags to FILEINFO_NAMEVALID when loading from memory.


The LMemoryBuffer parameter is passed by reference, and is a required parameter.

Note: You should never pass an uninitialized FILEINFO structure to this function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




For an example, refer to LMemoryFile::LoadMemory.

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