For Beginners

Loading and Saving Images
Displaying an Image
Fitting an Image to a Window
Print a Real Image Size in Inches
Processing an Image
Implementing an Automated Annotations Program (Visual C++ 5.0)
Using the UNICODE version of LEADTOOLS in a non-UNICODE Application (C++ 5.0 and later)
Implementing a Non-Automated Annotations Program (C++ 5.0 and later)
Implementing an Automated Annotations Program (C++ 5.0 and later)
Implementing Scrollbars
Loading and Saving Annotations Using Databases (C++ 5.0 and later)
Loading and Saving Images Using Databases (C++ 5.0 and later)
Combining Images with Regions
Splitting a Multipage TIFF File
Zooming In on a Selection
Help Version 23.0.2024.2.29
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LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging C++ Class Library Help
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