
#include "ltwrappr.h"

static L_INT LSettings::SetLicenseFile(pszLicenseFile, pszDeveloperKey)

Sets the runtime license for LEADTOOLS and unlocks support for optional features such as LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging capabilities, or PDF support.


L_TCHAR * pszLicenseFile

Character string containing the name of the LEADTOOLS runtime license file to load.

L_TCHAR * pszDeveloperKey

Character string containing the developer key.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 0 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Before calling this function, call LBase::LoadLibraries(LT_KRN).

You must use this function to set the runtime license for LEADTOOLS and to unlock support for any optional features that you have licensed.  If you do not set a runtime license, your application will display a "nag" message dialog at runtime, indicating that you have developed the application without a valid runtime license.

NOTE: In order to obtain a runtime license and developer key, you must contact LEAD.  For more information, refer to About LEADTOOLS Deployment Licenses.

For information about LEADTOOLS Document/Medical capabilities, contact LEAD.

To determine if support for optional features has been unlocked, use the LSettings::IsSupportLocked function.

To set the runtime license from a memory buffer instead of a disk file, use the LSettings::SetLicenseBuffer function

NOTE: To avoid receiving WRPERR_LTKRN_DLL_NOT_LOADED return value, ensure that LBase::LoadLibraries(LT_KRN) is called prior to calling this function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




#define MY_LICENSE_FILE L_TEXT("d:\\temp\\TestLic.lic") 
#define MY_DEVELOPER_KEY L_TEXT("xyz123abc") 
L_INT LSettings__SetLicenseFileExample() 
   LSettings LeadSettings; 
   /* set the runtime license */ 
   LeadSettings.SetLicenseFile(MY_LICENSE_FILE, MY_DEVELOPER_KEY); 
   /* check for unlocked support */ 
   if (LeadSettings.IsSupportLocked(L_SUPPORT_MEDICAL)) 
      MessageBox(NULL, L_TEXT("Medical Locked\n"), L_TEXT(""), MB_OK); 
      MessageBox(NULL, L_TEXT("Medical Unlocked\n"), L_TEXT(""), MB_OK); 
   return SUCCESS; 
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