Add References and Set a License - Vue JS

This tutorial shows how to add the LEADTOOLS references and set the LEADTOOLS runtime license in a Vue.JS application. Before any functionality from the SDK can be leveraged, a valid runtime license will have to be set. For instructions on how to obtain a runtime license refer to Obtaining a License.

Summary This tutorial demonstrates how to set up a Vue.JS project and use the LEADTOOLS SDK to set your LEADTOOLS Runtime License.
Completion Time 15 minutes
Visual Studio Project Download tutorial project (17 KB)
Platform Vue JS Web Application
IDE Visual Studio Code - Client
Development License Download LEADTOOLS
Try it in another language

Required Knowledge

This tutorial makes use of Visual Studio Code and Node.js, so be sure to have these installed on your machine.

Create the Project

If working on Windows, then open PowerShell or CommandPrompt. If working on a Unix based system, then open a new Terminal. Change the directory using cd to the location where the project is to be created. Run the following command to create a new Vue.JS application:

npm init vue@latest leadtools-getting-started

Add the License Files

Navigate into the public folder inside the newly-created leadtools-getting-started folder, and create a LEADTOOLS folder. This folder will hold the two JavaScript license files that were sent via email: LEADTOOLS.lic.txt and LEADTOOLS.lic.key.txt.

Add LEADTOOLS Dependencies

In order to utilize the LEADTOOLS components, the LEADTOOLS JavaScript libraries need to be added to the application. Create a new folder named Common in the public folder.

Navigate to the JS library path in the SDK installation <InstallDir>\Bin\JS\ and copy Leadtools.js to the Common folder.

Add the set License Code

Create a JS file in the Common folder created in the above step, and name it app.js. This is where the LEADTOOLS set license call will be added. Open this file in a text-editor, such as Visual Studio Code, and add the code below.

window.onload = function () { 
   var licenseUrl = "./Leadtools/LEADTOOLS.lic.txt"; 
   var developerKey = "ADD THE CONTENTS OF YOUR LEADTOOLS.lic.key.txt FILE"; 
   lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri(licenseUrl, developerKey, function (setLicenseResult) { 
      // Check the status of the license  
      if (setLicenseResult.result) { 
         console.log("LEADTOOLS client license set successfully"); 
      } else { 
         var msg = "LEADTOOLS License is missing, invalid or expired\nError:\n"; 


Make sure to replace the value of the developerKey string with the contents of the license key TXT file.

Import LEADTOOLS Dependencies

Open index.html in the public folder. Add the below necessary script tags inside the <head> to import LEADTOOLS dependencies.

Also import the JS file we created.

<script src="/common/Leadtools.js"></script> 
<script src="/common/app.js"></script> 
Dependencies script tags

Run the project

Open the command line application used to create the Vue.JS application in the root of the Vue.JS project. Run the npm install command to install the needed dependencies.

Next, run the npm run dev command to run the application on local host. Open the local host link and then press F12 to bring up the console and see that the LEADTOOLS license has been set.

Success result


This tutorial showed how to set a client-side LEADTOOLS license in a Vue.JS application.

See Also

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