Add a Digital Signature to a PDF - C# .NET Framework |
Add and Remove Pages from a LEADDocument - C# .NET |
Add Input Source to Media Streaming Server - C# .NET Framework |
Add References and Set a License - C# .NET Framework |
Add Watermark to Multipage File - Console C# |
Auto Recognize and Parse an Unstructured Document - Console C# |
Capture from Video Source to File - Console C# |
Combine Images with Transparency - Console C# |
Combine Video and Audio from Separate Sources - Console C# |
Compare Image Data for Similarities - Console C# |
Configure and Run the Demo Service - .NET Framework |
Configure and Run the Document Service - .NET Framework |
Convert Documents Using AWS Lambda - C# .NET |
Convert Files with a File Watcher - Console C# |
Convert Images to Searchable PDF with OCR - Console C# |
Convert Video to MP4 - Console C# |
Create a Multipage File from Multiple Images - Console C# |
Create a Video from Still Images - Console C# |
Create DICOM Files with H264 Video - Console C# |
Create Documents with Document Writers - Console C# |
Deploy LEADTOOLS Document Service on Windows Server - .NET Framework |
Detect and Extract Barcodes - Console C# |
Detect and Extract MICR - Console C# |
Detect and Extract MRTD - Console C# |
Detect Image Format and Extension - Console C# |
Document Analyzer High-Level Usage - Console C# |
Export Annotations to Output using the Document Converter - Console C# |
Extract, Edit, and Replace DICOM Images - Console C# |
Generate and Set SOPInstanceUID in a DICOM DataSet - Console C# |
Implement an AWS S3 Bucket Cache - C# .NET |
Implement an Azure Redis Cache - Console C# |
Implement an Azure Redis Cache with Storage Blobs - Console C# |
Install, Set up, and Deploy the LEADTOOLS Virtual Printer Driver |
Load and Save Images - Console C# |
Load, Save, and Split Annotations - Console C# |
Multi-thread OCR with the Auto Recognize Manager - Console C# |
Navigate DICOM Elements - Console C# |
Optimize PDF Files for Storage - Console C# |
Parse and Enumerate Objects in a PDF - Console C# |
Parse the Text of a Document - Console C# |
Perform POCO calls to the Document Service - Console C# |
Preprocess an Image for OCR - Console C# |
Print Any File to Installed Printer - Console C# |
Print LEADDocument to Installed Printer - Console C# |
Print to File Using the Virtual Printer Driver - Console C# |
Pull Metadata from an Image - Console C# |
Read and Write Bytes in a Barcode - Console C# |
Read and Write Exif Tags and Comments - Console C# |
Read and Write TIFF Tags and Comments - Console C# |
Recognize Handwritten Text From Images With ICR - Console C# |
Split a Multipage Image File Into Separate Files - Console C# |
Split a PDF File into Multiple Files - Console C# |
Split Document with Patch Codes - Console C# |
Split Video Into Segments - Console C# |
Write 1D and 2D Barcodes to an Image - Console C# |
Write AAMVA Driver's License Barcode - Console C# |