Animation Playback States

The following are constants for the animation playback states:

Constant Meaning
PLAYSTATE_PRECLEAR [0x0000] The initial state of the playback (index = -1). The target bitmap will be cleared to the Bitmap.Background color on the next call.
PLAYSTATE_POSTCLEAR [0x0001] Indicates that the target bitmap has been cleared.
PLAYSTATE_PRERENDER [0x0002] Indicates that the current image will be rendered to the target bitmap on the next call.
PLAYSTATE_RENDER [0x0003] Indicates that an image has been rendered to the target bitmap.
PLAYSTATE_POSTRENDER [0x0004] Indicates that an image is in the midst of being rendered to the target bitmap.
PLAYSTATE_WAITINPUT [0x0005] Indicates that the playback engine is waiting for user input before moving on to PLAYSTATE_PREDISPOSE.
PLAYSTATE_WAITDELAY [0x0006] Indicates that the engine is waiting for a delayed time before moving on to PLAYSTATE_PREDISPOSE.
PLAYSTATE_WAITINPUTDELAY [0x0007] Indicates that the engine is waiting for user input and a delayed time before moving on to PLAYSTATE_PREDISPOSE.
PLAYSTATE_PREDISPOSE [0x0008] Indicates that the current image will be disposed of on the next call.
PLAYSTATE_POSTDISPOSE [0x0009] Indicates that the current image has been disposed of. The index is incremented after processing this state.
PLAYSTATE_END [0x000A] Indicates that the playback is past the last image in the list (index = number of images). The playback will loop to index = 0 on the next call with the state set to PLAYSTATE_PRERENDER
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