

Constructs and initializes the member variables of the class object.


#include "ltwrappr.h"


LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(uWidth, uHeight, uBitsPerPixel=24, uOrder=ORDER_BGR, pPalette=NULL, uViewPerspective=TOP_LEFT, crFill=0, uMemory=TYPE_CONV, pData=NULL, dwSize=0)

LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(pInfo, pBits)

LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(hDC, hBitmap, hPalette)



L_UINT uWidth

The desired initial bitmap width.

L_UINT uHeight

The desired initial bitmap height.

L_UINT uBitsPerPixel

The number of bits per pixel. Valid values are 0, 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, and 32. Use 0 to create an 8-bit grayscale bitmap. If uBitsPerPixel is 0, the function ignores the uOrder and pPalette parameters.

L_UINT uOrder

Color order for 16-, 24-, and 32-bit bitmaps. If the resultant bitmap is less than 16 bits per pixel, this will have no effect since palletized images have no order. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
ORDER_RGB [0] Red, green, and blue color order in memory
ORDER_BGR [1] Blue, green, and red color order in memory
ORDER_GRAY [2] 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. 12 and 16-bit grayscale images are only supported in the Document/Medical toolkits.
ORDER_RGBORGRAY [3] Load the image as red, green, blue OR as a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. 12 and 16-bit grayscale images are supported in the Document/Medical toolkits only.
ORDER_BGRORGRAY [4] Load the image as blue, green, red OR as a 12 or 16-bit grayscale image. 12 and 16-bit grayscale images are supported in the Document/Medical toolkits only.


Pointer to the palette that the bitmap will use. You can specify your own palette, or use NULL to use LEAD's fixed palette.

L_UINT uViewPerspective

The desired view perspective for the bitmap. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TOP_LEFT [1] Top-left of image is first in memory.
BOTTOM_LEFT [4] Bottom-left of image is first in memory.
RIGHT_TOP [6] (Document/Medical only) First row is the right side, first column is top side.
TOP_LEFT90 [6] (Document/Medical only) Same as RIGHT_TOP, which is TOP_LEFT rotated clockwise by 90 degrees.
LEFT_BOTTOM [8] (Document/Medical only) First row is the left side, first column is top side.
TOP_LEFT270 [8] (Document/Medical only) Same as LEFT_BOTTOM, which is TOP_LEFT rotated clockwise by 270 degrees.


The color value to use to fill the bitmap after creating it.

L_UINT uMemory

Flag that indicates the type of memory to allocate. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TYPE_CONV [0x0001] Use conventional memory if the image will fit, otherwise swap to disk.
TYPE_COMPRESSED [0x0200] (Document/Medical only) Allocate an RLE-compressed bitmap. You can use this flag with TYPE_CONV or TYPE_NODISK. For more information, refer to Speeding Up 1-Bit Documents.
TYPE_SUPERCOMPRESSED [0x0400] (Document/Medical only) Keep images compressed in memory. This option causes slow access, but very low memory usage. This option is available only for 1-bit, 8-bit grayscale and 24-bit images.


Pointer to a BITMAPINFO structure that describes the bitmap data.

L_UCHAR * pBits

Pointer to the bitmap data to be used in initializing the bitmap.


Handle to a windows DC.


Handle to a device dependent bitmap (DDB) of type HBITMAP.


Handle of the palette to be used for the bitmap or NULL if the bitmap does not have a palette.


Pointer to a LEAD bitmap handle that describes an allocated bitmap.

L_UCHAR *pData

Data pointer that will contain the bitmap data when uMemory is TYPE_USER. If pData is NULL, the data pointer must be passed later, by calling LBitmapBase::SetDataPointer, before the bitmap can be used.

L_UINT32 dwSize

Size of the data buffer pointed to by pData. This should be at least pBitmap->Size. This parameter is only valid when uMemory is set to TYPE_USER.




These are the constructors for the LBitmapBase class. They construct and initialize the member variables of the class object.

LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(void) will initialize the bitmap width, height, and bits per pixel to 0.

LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(uWidth, uHeight, uBitsPerPixel, uOrder, pPalette, uViewPerspective, crFill, uMemory) constructs an LBitmapBase object and allocates a bitmap with the desired width, height, bits per pixel, color order, view perspective and memory type. You can check for successful allocation by calling the LBitmapBase::IsAllocated() member function. Even if the allocation fails, the class object is still constructed.

LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(pInfo, pBits) constructs an LBitmapBase object and allocates a bitmap using the passed bitmap info and data (DIB). You can check for successful allocation by calling the LBitmapBase::IsAllocated() member function. Even if the allocation fails, the class object is still constructed.

LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(hDC, hBitmap, hPalette) constructs an LBitmapBase object and allocates a bitmap using the passed hBitmap (DDB). You can check for successful allocation by calling the LBitmapBase::IsAllocated() member function. Even if the allocation fails, the class object is still constructed.

LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(pBitmapHandle) constructs an LBitmapBase object and allocates a bitmap from another LEAD bitmap handle. You can check for successful allocation by calling the LBitmapBase::IsAllocated() member function. Even if the allocation fails, the class object is still constructed.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




This is the example for LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase():
this will call the default constructor and destructor when it is out of scope

L_INT LBitmapBase__LBitmapBaseFirstExample() 
   LBitmapBase MyBitmap; 
   return SUCCESS; 
/*This is the example for LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(uWidth, uHeight, uBitsPerPixel, uOrde, pPalette, uViewPerspective, crFill, uMemory, pData, dwSize):*/ 
L_INT LBitmapBase__LBitmapBaseSecondExample() 
   LBitmapBase      MyBitmap(100, 200, 24, ORDER_BGR, NULL, TOP_LEFT, 0, TYPE_CONV); 
      //   Do something 
   return SUCCESS; 
/*This is the example for LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(pInfo, pBits):*/ 
L_INT LBitmapBase__LBitmapBaseThirdExample() 
   LBitmapBase TmpBitmap;     
   BITMAPINFO   *pInfo; 
   L_UCHAR  *pBits;      
   L_INT nColorData;   
   L_INT nRet; 
   // Load a bitmap at 8 bits per pixel so that we can demonstrate palette handling  
   nRet =TmpBitmap.Load (MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("ImageProcessingDemo\\Image3.cmp")), 8, ORDER_BGR); 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   hDIB = TmpBitmap.ConvertToDIB(DIB_BITMAPV5HEADER); 
   pInfo = (BITMAPINFO  *) GlobalLock( hDIB ); 
   if(pInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8) 
      nColorData = 1 << pInfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount; 
      nColorData = 0; 
   pBits = (L_UCHAR  *) pInfo + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + (nColorData * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); 
   LBitmapBase MyBitmap(pInfo, pBits); 
   GlobalUnlock(hDIB) ; 
   nRet =TmpBitmap.Free(); 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   return SUCCESS; 
/*This is the example for LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(hDC, hBitmap, hPalette):*/ 
L_INT LBitmapBase__LBitmapBaseForthExample(HINSTANCE hAppInstance) 
   HBITMAP    hBitmap=LoadBitmap(hAppInstance,MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("ULAY1.BMP"))); 
   HDC       hDC=GetDC(0); 
   LBitmapBase    MyBitmap(hDC, hBitmap, 0); 
   return SUCCESS; 
/*This is the example for LBitmapBase::LBitmapBase(pBitmapHandle):*/ 
L_INT LBitmapBase__LBitmapBaseFifthExample() 
   L_INT nRet; 
   nRet = L_LoadBitmap(MAKE_IMAGE_PATH(TEXT("image1.cmp")), &hBitmap,sizeof(hBitmap), 0, ORDER_RGB,NULL,NULL); 
   if(nRet !=SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   LBitmapBase MyBitmap(&hBitmap); 
   return SUCCESS; 

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