

Constructs and initializes the member variables of the LAnnFreehandHotSpot object.


#include "ltwrappr.h"




HANNOBJECT& hFreehandHotSpot

Handle of the associated annotation object.

L_BOOL bCreate

Flag that indicates whether to create the associated annotation object. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
TRUE Create the associated Annotation object, as well as the class object.
FALSE Create only the class object. Do not create the associated annotation object.




LAnnFreehandHotSpot::LAnnFreehandHotSpot(bCreate) is a constructor for the LAnnFreehandHotSpot class. If bCreate is TRUE, the annotation object is created, as well as the class object.

LAnnFreehandHotSpot::LAnnFreehandHotSpot(hFreehandHotSpot) attaches the passed handle to the created class object. The passed handle must be a LEAD annotation object of type ANNOBJECT_FREEHANDHOTSPOT. The passed annotation object is invalidated.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also


This is an example for LAnnFreehandHotSpot::LAnnFreehandHotSpot(bCreate):

L_INT LAnnFreehandHotSpot_LAnnFreehandHotSpotFirstExample( ) 
   LBase::LoadLibraries(LT_ALL_LEADLIB);//make sure all libraries are loaded 
   LAnnFreehandHotSpot MyAnnotation;     //construct an annotation object 
   //.... do something here   ....    
   //Destructor is called upon returning from function 
   return SUCCESS; 
//This is an example for LAnnFreehandHotSpot::LAnnFreehandHotSpot(hFreehandHotSpot): 
L_INT LAnnFreehandHotSpotSecondExample(HANNOBJECT& hAnnotationObject) 
   LBase::LoadLibraries(LT_ALL_LEADLIB);//make sure all libraries are loaded 
   LAnnFreehandHotSpot MyAnnotation(hAnnotationObject);     //construct an annotation object 
   //.... do something here   ....    
   return SUCCESS; 

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