

Frees all the filters information allocated by calling the LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo; or frees the information of a specific filter obtained in pFilterInfo parameter by calling the LBaseFile::GetFilterInfo.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

static L_INT LBaseFile::FreeFilterInfo(pFilterInfo, uFilterCount, uFlags)



Pointer to FILTERINFO structure to be freed. This parameter cannot be NULL. This pointer points either to an array of information for all filters obtained by LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo; or points to information of a specific filter obtained by LBaseFile::GetFilterInfo.

L_UINT uFilterCount

Value that represents the number of elements of the pFilterInfo parameter. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
1 Free only the memory stored inside the pFilterInfo parameter obtained by the LBaseFile::GetFilterInfo.
>1 Free the memory allocated in the array of information for all filters obtained in the ppFilterList parameter by calling LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo.

L_UINT uFlags

Flags that indicate whether to free the memory stored inside the pFilterInfo parameter obtained by the LBaseFile::GetFilterInfo; or free the memory allocated in the array of information for all filters obtained in the ppFilterList parameter by calling LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
0 Free the memory stored inside the pFilterInfo parameter obtained by the LBaseFile::GetFilterInfo.
FILTERINFO_FREEALL [0x0020] Free the memory allocated in the array of information for all filters obtained in the ppFilterList parameter by calling LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


To free the memory allocated in the array of information for all filters obtained in the ppFilterList parameter by calling LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo, call this function as the following:

LBaseFile::FreeFilterInfo(pFilterInfo, uFilterCount, FILTERINFO_FREEALL); 

The number of elements in the array can be obtained in the pFilterCount parameter of the LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo.

To free the memory stored inside the pFilterInfo parameter obtained by the LBaseFile::GetFilterInfo, call this function as the following:

LBaseFile::FreeFilterInfo(pFilterInfo, 1, 0); 

Required DLLs and Libraries

See Also




For an example, refer to LBaseFile::GetFilterListInfo.

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