Compressed Windows Metafile Format (WMZ)

The Compressed Windows Metafile format is a vector file format that represents primarily Group 3 fax documents. It contains information concerning the page structure and the compressed line data of the fax document. This format was developed by Microsoft and is supported by Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft Word 2000.

The default extension used by this format is: WMZ.

The following table indicates which objects LEAD can load and which objects it can save:

Object Load Save
Arc Supported Supported
Background color and mode Supported Supported
Chord Supported Supported
Circle Supported Supported
Color Supported Supported
Ellipse Supported Supported
HPolyBezier Supported Supported
Lines Supported Supported
Pie Supported Supported
PolyBezier Supported Supported
PolyDraw Supported Supported
Polygons Supported Supported
Polyline Supported Supported
Raster Supported Supported
Rectangle Supported Supported
Round Rectangle Restricted Support Restricted Support
Spline Supported Supported
Text Supported Supported
Text(Color and Font Type) Supported Supported
Vertex Supported Supported

File constants associated with this file format are:

Constant Read Support Write Support Description
FILE_WMZ Yes Yes [307] Compressed Windows Metafile Format

When WMZ files are rasterized, they are 24 BPP.

Note: This format does not support LEAD's redirected IO feature, therefore it cannot be used with LMemoryFile::LoadMemory, LMemoryFile::LoadMemoryTile, LMemoryFile::Save, or LFile::FeedLoad.

Required DLLs and Libraries

Related Formats


Win32, x64.

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