

The LBitmapBase class is the main bitmap class. This class contains the main functionality for dealing with bitmaps in memory. It includes functions for basic image transforms such as resizing, flipping, cropping, and rotating, and for changing the bitmaps color-depth. This class also includes functions for loading images from files and saving images to files. You can use this class to create bitmaps from scratch and deal with individual rows or pixels of the image data. This class also contains functions for the following:

This class is the base class for any bitmap classes that you wish to derive.

When calling some functions of the LBitmapBase LEADTOOLS C++ Class Library classes, the bitmap data is changed. To be notified of these changes, you can override the LBitmapBase::StartChanging and LBitmapBase::EndChanging functions. For more information, refer to Bitmap Change Notifications and Notification Categories.

If you derive a class from LBitmapBase, the macros defined in Wrapper Macros may be helpful.

Required DLLs and Libraries

You must load all required libraries using LBase::LoadLibraries before using the classes.

Also requires the file format DLLs described in Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also

Related Topics

Class Members
Derived Classes
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