

Gets the hyperlink information of the annotation object.


#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LAnnotation::GetHyperlink(puType, puMsg, pwParam, pLink, puLen)


L_UINT * puType

Address of the variable to be updated with the value indicating the hyperlink type. Possible hyperlink types are:

Value Meaning
ANNLINK_NONE [0x0000] Object has no hyperlink.
ANNLINK_USERMSG [0x0002] The user defined message will be sent with wParam as the wParam message of this function and lParam containing the handle of the object.
ANNLINK_RUN [0x0003] The program specified in pLink will be run. Both the program and the command line parameters have to be specified in pLink.
ANNLINK_WEBPAGE [0x0004] The web page with the URL specified in pLink will be opened in the current browser. Note that not all web browsers accept a page on the command line. Some will simply go to their default home page.

L_UINT * puMsg

Address of the variable to be updated with the value of the user defined message. This parameter is only valid if the value pointed to by puType is ANNLINK_USERMSG.

WPARAM * pwParam

Address of the variable to be updated with the value of wParam. This parameter is only valid if the value pointed to by puType is ANNLINK_USERMSG.

L_TCHAR * pLink

Character string containing the hyperlink string. This parameter is valid only if the value pointed to by puType is ANNLINK_RUN or ANNLINK_WEBPAGE. If puType points to ANNLINK_RUN, pLink contains the name of the program to run and all required command line parameters. If puType points to ANNLINK_WEBPAGE, pLink contains the URL of the Web page to access.

L_SIZE_T * puLen

Pointer to an integer variable (L_SIZE_T) that will be updated with the length of the hyperlink string.


Value Meaning
SUCCESS The function was successful.
< 1 An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


Objects with a hyperlink of type ANNLINK_RUN or ANNLINK_WEBPAGE have a hyperlink string associated with them. To see what the hyperlink string of an object is, you must first call LAnnotation::GetHyperlinkLen and get the string length, allocate a buffer large enough to store the string and the NULL at the end, and then call LAnnotation::GetHyperlink. Note that the length does NOT account for the null at the end of the string.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




L_INT LAnnotation_GetHyperlinkExample(LAnnotation& LeadAnn) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   L_UINT uType; // variable to hold hyperlink type  
   L_UINT uMsg; // variable to hold hyperlink msg  
   WPARAM wParam; // variable to hold hyperlink msg param  
   L_TCHAR Buffer[2048]; // buffer to hold hyperlink string  
   L_SIZE_T  uLen ; // length of hyperlink 
   L_TCHAR szMessage[80]; 
   nRet = LeadAnn.GetHyperlink( &uType, &uMsg, &wParam, Buffer,NULL); 
   if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   if (uType != ANNLINK_WEBPAGE) 
      if(nRet != SUCCESS) 
         return nRet; 
   // get the length of the hyperlink property 
   uLen = LeadAnn.GetHyperlinkLen(); 
   wsprintf(szMessage, TEXT("Length of hyperlink = %u\n"),uLen);  
   MessageBox(NULL,szMessage, TEXT("Hyperlink"),MB_OK) ; 
	return SUCCESS; 
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